War Games
Conceived on the occasion of the first edition of the project “Davanti al Mare” directed by Vittorio Dapelo for the Amixi di Villa Croce – Museo d’Arte Contemporanea of Genoa, War Games is an artist’s book by Diego Perrone, edited by Francesco Garutti. moreImagined as a book-cum-artwork and as such an integral part of the installation of Perrone’s work in Villa del Principe, the Palazzo of Andrea Doria in Genoa, War Games is a photographic collection of painstaking details and fragments. The tapestries of the battle of Lepanto housed in the Villa del Principe, the hands, the features of the miniature craftsmanship of a selected group of Ligurian artisans and details of the sculpture in glass paste by Diego Perrone are mixed together without a specific order so as to make up an almost cinematographic sequence. In the short essay by Francesco Garutti, a simple and indirect game of reflections take shape: the naval games of the historian and science-fiction author Fletcher Pratt, the ambiguous inclined planes of the visionary architect Bel Geddes, the warp and weft of the tapestries of Villa del Principe, the hands and the construction techniques of those Ligurian masters all dialogue here with Perrone’s work by virtue of their inhabiting ‘another’ time.
Publisher: Humboldt Books
Published: 2017
Origin: Italy
Language: English, Italian
Pages: 277
Length × Width × Height: 21 × 15 × 2,5 cm
Article Number: 25921
ISBN: 41540952