Towards a Resilient Architecture
This volume explores the interrelated social, sustainable, and spatial principles that underlie the design of more environmentally conscious buildings and places, and illustrates them through models, drawings, and images of selected projects by the renowned London-based architecture firm Mæ. Each project outlines beneficial strategies for creating more sustainable designs, achieving social equity, and considering the planet’s limited resources to nurture the human spirit over the long term. This book presents strategies for designing buildings and places that enrich culture and society, offering insights from researchers and practitioners, as well as richly illustrated documentation of important architectural projects that put these principles into practice. This is a call for greener architecture that applies its ideas around the world.
Publisher: Quart Verlag
Published: 2022
Origin: Switzerland
Language: English
Pages: 275
Length × Width × Height: 24 × 17 × 1,1 cm
Article Number: 34676
ISBN: 9783037612750