• The Material Kinship Reader - Onomatopee #208

The Material Kinship Reader - Onomatopee #208

What does it mean to acknowledge one’s closeness to, enmeshment in or even kinship with the material world? And what does it mean to question family structures – the way…

What does it mean to acknowledge one’s closeness to, enmeshment in or even kinship with the material world? And what does it mean to question family structures – the way they organise, coerce and make deviant certain lifeforms – and dwell in other possibilities of kin-making? Not just a jolly rethinking of objects or a polyamorous romp through relationships, The Material Kinship Reader reckons with the extractavist histories of materials and the social relations that frame much of contemporary life. Spanning fiction and theory, the collection of texts expand the idea of an artist’s book by bringing words into conversation with an aesthetic proposition. Clementine Edwards’ artwork is the visual weft to the book’s written net. From colonial conquest to climate collapse, The Material Kinship Reader tells toxic and tender stories of interdependence among all things sentient and insentient.

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Autor: Kris Dittel, Clementine Edwards
Publisher: Onomatopee
Published: 2022
Origin: Netherlands
Language: English
Pages: 452
Length × Width × Height: 16 × 11 × 2 cm

Article Number: 33348
ISBN: 7690584
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