The End of Books
A book about bookends. As a rule, books go on a shelf. And there, their placement follows a certain organizational pattern. But how do we go about it? Do we set this pattern according to the content, do we follow their appearance or do we leave the “order” to chance? Each book has a certain weight and extension, it has a particular color and materiality. This diversity calls for a certain order. How we order something also reflects our way of thinking; in doing so, however, we are often guided by social norms or frozen concepts. And yet it is precisely in our dealings with the simple world of things that a spark of our primordial creativity shimmers through. This is also true for the way we present books.
Publisher: Everyedition
Published: 2022
Origin: Switzerland
Language: -
Length × Width × Height: 34 × 25 × 2 cm
Article Number: 34983
ISBN: 44922968