The Bones of Architecture
This publication investigates the cultivation of structures for architecture as developed by practising architects and engineers. Presenting the works and approaches of seven European architects and engineers, the editor simultaneously reflects on the rules, strategies and methods of designing structures and load bearing structures. With selected works by: Rui Furtado, engineer, Porto; Johansen Skovsted Arkitekter, Copenhagen; Pedrazzini Guidotti, engineers, Lugano; Bruther, architects, Paris; Brandlhuber+, Arno Brandlhuber, architect, Berlin; engineer Bernabeu, Madrid; 6a Architects, London, accompanied by interviews and texts by Ákos Moravánszky and Mario Rinke.
Publisher: Triest
Published: 2019
Origin: Switzerland
Language: German
Pages: 224
Length × Width × Height: 24,5 × 17,5 × 2,3 cm
Article Number: 24937
ISBN: 9783038630449