• The Black Technical Object - Ramon Amaro

The Black Technical Object - Ramon Amaro

To impair the racial ordering of the world, The Black Technical Object introduces the history of statistical analysis and “scientific” racism into research on machine learning. Computer programming designed for…

To impair the racial ordering of the world, The Black Technical Object introduces the history of statistical analysis and “scientific” racism into research on machine learning. Computer programming designed for taxonomic patterning, machine learning offers useful insights into racism and racist behavior, but its connection to the racial history of science and the Black lived experience has yet to be developed. In this book, Ramon Amaro explores how the history of data and statistical analysis informs the complex relationship between race and machine learning. He juxtaposes a practical analysis of this type of computerized learning with a theory of Black alienation in order to inspire alternative approaches to contemporary algorithmic practice. In doing so, Amaro contemplates the abstruse nature of programming and mathematics, as well as the deep incursion of racial hierarchies.

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Autor: Ramon Amaro
Publisher: Sterberg Press
Published: 2022
Origin: United Kingdom
Language: English
Pages: 230
Length × Width × Height: 21 × 13 × 2 cm

Article Number: 34869
ISBN: 9783956795633 52500
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Sternberg Press