• System & Serie

System & Serie

Systembau in der Schweiz - Geschichte und Erhaltung

Modular buildings made of industrially prefabricated elements assembled at the construction site have characterized post-war architecture throughout Europe. System buildings also make up the majority of the Swiss building stock:…

Modular buildings made of industrially prefabricated elements assembled at the construction site have characterized post-war architecture throughout Europe. System buildings also make up the majority of the Swiss building stock: residential buildings and housing estates, schools and kindergartens, churches, commercial and industrial halls, plus buildings for transport, sports, and health facilities were built on the basis of modular systems. This book is the first to take a comprehensive, substantiated, and interdisciplinary look at system building in Switzerland. As a catalogue raisonné it offers an unprejudiced appraisal of the building systems developed and realised in the country and at the same time offers a guide for handling their historic preservation.

Normaler Preis €46,00
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Niedriger Lagerbestand
Publisher: Gta Verlag
Published: 2022
Origin: Switzerland
Language: German
Pages: 250
Length × Width × Height: 29 × 21,5 × 2 cm

Article Number: 34445
ISBN: 9783856764289
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