• Perpetual Slavery - Ciarán Finlayson

Perpetual Slavery - Ciarán Finlayson

Have we attained a post-emancipation world? Or is such a world impeded by the sediments of slavery embedded within capitalism? In Perpetual Slavery, Ciarán Finlayson considers these questions through extended…

Have we attained a post-emancipation world? Or is such a world impeded by the sediments of slavery embedded within capitalism? In Perpetual Slavery, Ciarán Finlayson considers these questions through extended readings of works by Cameron Rowland and Ralph Lemon, two contemporary African American artists who work within inventive strains of post-conceptualism. In dialogue with their works, Finlayson reflects on the legacy of slavery and investigates one of capitalist modernity’s central contradictions: though chattel slavery has officially ended, conscripted labor and carceral statism persist. This essay contemplates the possibility of freedom in the current political context, probing the historical relationship of art to capitalism.

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Autor: Ciarán Finlayson
Publisher: Floating Opera Press
Published: 2023
Origin: Germany
Language: English
Pages: 79
Length × Width × Height: 17 × 12 × 1 cm

Article Number: 36390
ISBN: 9783982389448 90000
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Floating Opera Press