• Miami in the 1980s

Miami in the 1980s

The Vanishing Architecture of a "Paradise Lost"

This book brings together a group of essays, a photo series, and a catalogue of selected projects of Miami’s 1980s architecture – some built, some unbuilt. The text and the…

This book brings together a group of essays, a photo series, and a catalogue of selected projects of Miami’s 1980s architecture – some built, some unbuilt. The text and the accompanying images celebrate a period in American architecture when, in Miami, the subtropical nexus of the Americas, art and architecture were intensely interconnected, and Miami architects were partaking in the discipline’s international discourse. Triggered by the case of The Babylon, Arquitectonica’s first building, which after having been designated as protected landmark in 2016 was in 2019 sadly demolished, Charlotte von Moos’s research was driven by a sense of urgency about today’s lack of care for such remarkable projects, even more at stake given South Florida’s contemporary challenges like climate change.

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Autor: Charlotte Von Moos
Publisher: Walther König
Published: 2022
Origin: Germany
Language: English
Pages: 184
Length × Width × Height: 22 × 28 × 2 cm

Article Number: 33169
ISBN: 9783753301105
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Walther König