Merged Contours
Schick Toikka has made a name for itself as a mature and inventive voice in contemporary type design. After five years of making fonts together, it is time to take a look back. The German-Finnish foundry wished to revive the fine tradition of the printed specimen book and asked nine of their favorite designers, illustrators, and artists for personal interpretations of their typefaces. more The outcome – a truly collaborative effort – is an astonishing sampler of visual poetry. Contributing artists: Pavla Nešverová, Czech Republic, Grmmxi, Finland, Erkki Toukolehto, Finland, N.O.W. Design Studio, Russia, Kekfeng Lee, Malaysia The Beautiful Meme (UK), Bureau Mirko Borsche (Germany), Maziyar Pahlevan (Iran, based in the US), Deutsche & Japaner (Germany)
Origin: Germany
Language: English
Length × Width × Height: 23,5 × 17 × 1,5 cm
Article Number: 19788