Linz Diary
Over the last years, Bialobrzeski has worked on a long-term project, the “City Diaries”. In his diaries, Peter Bialobrzeski explores and examines how the image of a city – feeding on prejudices and found material – can be transformed into a specific photographic image. Can we see Cairo without the Arabian spring, Athens without more the Euro crisis, Wuhan without the corona virus, and Bialobrzeski’s hometown Wolfsburg without VW and the exhaust scandal? “As an artist, my interest is not with the sights, the landscape, the events that are usually related to that very place. While I go along the project emerges in its form fueled by knowledge and intuition. I’m interested in the overlooked things you may find anywhere, which are not so easy to read, but when you look at them in the right way, they are loaded with meaning. The photographs can be read in a sociological, artistic, documentary and historical context. But they also address the space between the author and the city out there.” Eight volumes have been published so far: Cairo Diary, Athens Diary, Taipei Dairy, Wolfsburg Diary, Kochi Diary, Beirut Diary, Zurich Diary, and Wuhan Diary. Osaka, Mumbai, Yangon, Bangkok, Hagen, Belfast, Budapest, Minsk, and Georgetown (Malaysia), Dhaka, Sarajevo, and Linz are in preparation.
Publisher: the velvet cell
Published: 2021
Origin: Germany
Language: English
Pages: 112
Length × Width × Height: 21 × 14 × 1 cm
Article Number: 31811
ISBN: 8403544