Life on Planet Orsimanirana
Life on Planet Orsimanirana is an exhibition as a communal living system and a functioning cooperative physical and online radio station which invites you to immerse yourself in an every-colour primordial mud of molecular consciousness, an archive of autonomous reflections, DIY futurist narratives and a pumping funk of organic processes. more The designer and artist Jerszy Seymour joined forces with Amica Dall of the London based architecture collective Assemble and Emanuele Braga of the artist and activist group Macao in Milan to create a fantastic and humorous world in the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg.
Publisher: Spector Books
Published: 2021
Origin: Germany
Language: German
Pages: 240
Length × Width × Height: 27 × 20 × 1,8 cm
Article Number: 31090
ISBN: 9783959055338