IN Residence Diary #7
For more of this series click here. “Today was Tomorrow” is the theme that guides the seventh chapter in the explorations of the IN Residence Diaries project. The volume is devoted to a workshop experience held in the context of the Swiss Summer School: morehosted for a week-long residence at the Swiss Pavilion in the “Giardini della Biennale” (in the context of XIV Venice Biennale of Architecture) for a programme of activities involving the world’s best universities and educational-training experiences, the IN Residence project developed an original thematic study that produced surprising results. Featuring contributions from Hans Ulrich Obrist, Lorenza Baroncelli, Jan Boelen and Gianluigi Ricuperati, this diary bears witness to the intensity of an extraordinary event and celebrates the vitality of a project of reflection and research that is unique in its genre. The book also offers the opportunity to deepen the thought and work of the designers who took part in the seventh edition of the series of workshops produced by IN Residence.
Published: 2015
Origin: Italy
Language: English, Italian
Pages: 191
Length × Width × Height: 23,5 × 17 × 2 cm
Article Number: 16553
ISBN: 9788875704940