• IN Residence #5 - Little Daily Wonders

IN Residence Diary #5

Little Daily Wonders

For more of this series click here. “Little Daily Wonders” is the theme that guides the fifth chapter in the explorations of the IN Residence Diaries project. This volume focuses…

For more of this series click here. “Little Daily Wonders” is the theme that guides the fifth chapter in the explorations of the IN Residence Diaries project. This volume focuses on the theme of “wonder”, moreto be understood as the feeling of unconditional amazement, stimulated through interaction with an object. Examining this genre of wonder, the opportunity is offered to assess how the design process can have a responsibility to influence the quality of life of each individual, equipping his personal habitat with “sensitive” physical presences that, in addition to their functional details, can establish dialogue with his emotions. The book also offers the opportunity to deepen the thought and work of the designers who took part in the fifth edition of the series of workshops produced by IN Residence. The last section of this book, collects some notes relating to the four-stage European trip of the group exhibition “Another Terra – Home Away from Home” (2012), produced by IN Residence and consisting in a thematic collection of brand-new design objects custom-created for the occasion.

Normaler Preis €16,00
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Publisher: Corraini
Published: 2013
Origin: Italy
Language: English, Italian
Pages: 191
Length × Width × Height: 23,5 × 17 × 2 cm

Article Number: 16554
ISBN: 9788875703950
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Corraini Edizioni