• If Not Now #03

If Not Now #03

INN's third issue, These Walls Were Built, looks at the various frameworks humans are born into and how we respond to constructed limitation. 
Using the concept of a wall to symbolise both…
INN's third issue, These Walls Were Built, looks at the various frameworks humans are born into and how we respond to constructed limitation. 
Using the concept of a wall to symbolise both the explicit and implicit barriers we encounter during our lifetimes, INN03 is an issue about how we overcome obstacles, or work with them to survive.
Feature subjects and contributors respond to the theme with reference to their research into borders and migration, geographic and cultural identity, socio-economic division and marginalisation. The resulting body of work delivers their knowledge through the mediums of art, architecture, film, food, journalism, music, photography and poetry, helping us to understand that which was built to divide and inhibit us more critically, and curiously.


Áron Tóth-Heyn, Alec Soth, Agne Petraityte, Arts of the Working Class, Anya Tsaruk, Charlie Bones, Griselda San Martin, Hashem Shakeri, Hoda Afshar, Karim Aïnouz, Kathi Batzel, Kei Ito, Mahjong Friends, Mia Jaccarini, Nicolò Masini, Nivikka Andersen, Polina Bachlakova, Rael San Fratello, Rahim Fortune, Spacegirls, Vigdís Erla Guttormsdóttir, Yuka Hirac, Zahra Hankir

Normaler Preis €22,00
inkl. MwSt.
Publisher: Elke Numeyer-Windshuttle
Published: 2024
Origin: Germany
Language: English
Pages: 228
Length × Width × Height: 26 × 19,5 × 1,5 cm

ISBN: 9772794218008 03
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If Not Now Magazine