• Graphic Design is (...) Not Innocent

Graphic Design is (...) Not Innocent

Scrutinizing Visual Communication Today

Graphic Design Is (…) Not Innocent questions ingrained approaches, values, and assumptions of graphic design in globalised societies. The publication aims to initiate a dialogue between designers, scholars, critics, and…

Graphic Design Is (…) Not Innocent questions ingrained approaches, values, and assumptions of graphic design in globalised societies. The publication aims to initiate a dialogue between designers, scholars, critics, and commissioners, who investigate responsibilities, potentials, politics, limits, and risks of designing visual communication. How innocent is graphic design? Whom is it addressing, whom is it in/excluding? What does it bring about? This book combines case studies and academic reflections, trying to sketch a common ground for basic research into the parameters and value systems of graphic design.

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Autor: Ingo Offermanns
Publisher: Valiz
Published: 2022
Origin: Netherlands
Language: English
Pages: 352
Length × Width × Height: 24 × 15 × 2 cm

Article Number: 34266
ISBN: 9789492095909
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