• From the Room to the City - Munich

From the Room to the City - Munich

Urbanity and Complexity

A novel presentation of the European city structure based on the example of Munich. Over a period of ten years, as part of their joint teaching at the Technical University…

A novel presentation of the European city structure based on the example of Munich. Over a period of ten years, as part of their joint teaching at the Technical University of Munich, British architect Stephen Bates and his Zurich-based colleague Bruno Krucker explored, investigated, and analyzed the Bavarian capital in collaboration with their students. The resulting in-depth study evaluates the city’s building history and ideas for its future in detail and is now being presented in the form of a highly attractive compendium. This richly illustrated book takes a close look at the European city in general, using Munich as an example. Its features are illuminated through a variety of means: atmospheric photographs, precise plans, drawings, images of models, and texts reveal the multilayered and complex character of the place with all its particularities, coincidences, and intentions. Like many other European cities, Munich has also been subject to incisive changes, whether through planned expansions, infrastructural developments, or war damage. This volume highlights how big plans and visions have often remained piecemeal, bound up with the paradigms of a generation, yet precisely because of this, they have proven to be unmistakable elements that shape Munich even until today. Moreover, individual new structures have resulted in continuous changes to the character of Munich’s streets and demonstrate that the unfinished and unplanned are just as much a part of a city’s beauty.

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Publisher: Park Books
Published: 2023
Origin: Switzerland
Language: English
Pages: 352
Length × Width × Height: 29 × 19 × 3 cm

Article Number: 35202
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