Flux Redux
Flux Redux explores design experiments undertaken at agps architecture in Zurich and Los Angeles over the past three decades. The book addresses the evolution of a body of work relative to the evolution of environmental discourse, reflecting on the shifting relations between technology and sustainability in architecture. The presented case studies record changes in how architecture is thought about and how it is made. They also offer observations on the never-ending task of overcoming failures and setbacks via more trial and error to make each building a more sustainable agent of a larger environmental system. Flux Redux features nine essays by agps architecture’s partners, Marc Angélil, Manuel Scholl, Sarah Graham, and Matěj Draslar, that are supplemented with hundreds of documents from the firm’s archive. Further contributions are provided by structural engineer Ernst Hofmann, design studies scholar Margarete von Lupin, as well as architect and urban researcher Rainer Hehl. A new translation of Álvaro Siza’s essay on maintenance and stewardship, Living a House, rounds out this volume.
Publisher: Park Books
Published: 2023
Origin: Switzerland
Language: English
Pages: 311
Length × Width × Height: 25 × 18 × 2 cm
Article Number: 35228
ISBN: 9783038602927