• c-heads #38 2023

c-heads #38 2023

The Art of Slowing Down

Latest issue of c-heads is dedicated to the art of slowing down, re- treating from the harsh din of the outside world, and the joy of crafting. Feel the freedom…

Latest issue of c-heads is dedicated to the art of slowing down, re- treating from the harsh din of the outside world, and the joy of crafting. Feel the freedom from society‘s temporal constraints, a freedom that allows you to immerse yourself in what you do. Take a deep breath. Trust in your unique rhythm. Welcome the uncertain. Making things mirrors the journey of life. It ́s more about the process than the outcome. It requires pati- ence, the ability to bear vulnerability, the courage to face the fear of failure, and the boldness to venture forth. Things don‘t always go according to plan and mistakes are made. Not everything is within your control, but you can learn to get better with practice. Enjoy the journey. Growth and learning need time.

Normaler Preis €25,00
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Nicht vorrätig
Published: 2023
Origin: Germany
Language: English
Length × Width × Height: 28 × 22 × 1,5 cm

Article Number: 36391
ISBN: 9798891455429
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