Bobst Graphic 1972-1981
The second volume of the series “Visual Archives” is dedicated to the largely unknown history of Bobst Graphic`s photo set pioneers. In the early 1970s, the Swiss packaging company Bobst S.A. began to wonder whether it would be ready for the future with only one product type. moreThe Lausanne-based company, already far advanced in terms of packaging manufacturing technology, decided to launch phototypesetting machines. The history of Bobst Graphic – a pioneering feat in the development of the phototypesetting at the time – has never been included in the rich history of Swiss graphic and font design. The author Giliane Cachin decided to document and share this fascinating story from the inside based on personal interviews. Bruno De Kalbermatten, Jean-Daniel Nicoud, Robert Flach, Roland Jan and Christian Mengelt all give their side of the story.
Publisher: Triest
Published: 2019
Origin: Switzerland
Language: German
Pages: 175
Length × Width × Height: 24 × 16 × 1,7 cm
Article Number: 25404
ISBN: 9783038630401