B Brand. Balance. #76 Blue Bottle Coffee
Find more of the B Brand. Balance. series here. A global byword for specialty coffee, Blue Bottle Coffee was established by the clarinet player-turned-coffee guru James Freeman in 2002. moreFreeman established firm footing for the brand’s distinct coffee culture based on his experience selling drip coffee from a cart at farmers’ markets. His secret is to focus entirely on the delicate nuances of coffee beans and hospitality-based individualized service. Somewhat of a unicorn in the coffee world, Blue Bottle Coffee has attracted significant investments from Silicon Valley, and has steadily expanded across the US, with far-flung locations in Tokyo and Seoul.
Origin: South Korea
Language: English
Length × Width × Height: 24 × 17 × 1 cm
Article Number: 26476
ISBN: 9791160360714 03070