Anachrony, Contemporaneity, and Historical Imagination - The Contemporary Condition #18
Taking its point of departure in an “anachronic” exhibition, “Soulèvements” (2016–18), this book is a theoretical exploration of how the notion of contemporaneity—understood as the coming together of different times in the same historical present—relates to the end of a certain history of art. Critical of hitherto dominant chronological, ahistorical, and/or culturally restricted notions of the contemporary, Lund’s overall aim is to make an argument for “the contemporary contemporary” as the point of departure for any anachronic relationship with time today, and as the inescapable point of departure for any possible historical imagination. Anachrony, Contemporaneity, and Historical Imagination is the thirteenth volume of the Contemporary Condition.
Publisher: Sternberg Press
Published: 2022
Origin: Germany
Language: English
Length × Width × Height: 18 × 11 × 0,5 cm
Article Number: 34046
ISBN: 9783956794872