Mirage Edition No.1 : La Isla - Kate Bellm

La Isla

Between rough rocks, dry vegetation and blindingly glistening water, a new kind of family was born – a group of friends who share adventure, community and light-heartedness. Kate Bellm has enchantingly captured the sun-drenched lives around the reef of her and her friends. The images make you dream of free diving, starry nights, warm sun-kissed skin and a playful life.⁠⁠⁠
“La Isla” is the island of Mallorca, their home of choice, but also the island in spirit, far from the social norms of normal society, that this group of friends have created for themselves. So take a deep breath and jump with them into a remote world made of psychedelic skies, otherworldly desert plants, trippy escapes and intimate encounters under the sea.⁠⁠⁠
