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The Plant #16

The Plant #16 2021

The Plant #16

Surprise Subscription #3

Depending on where you are in the world, you – like us – are probably just emerging from a gloomy winter time. Here in Berlin it’s particularly grim, but just this week we have felt the first rays of sunshine starting to peek through the clouds, bringing with it new green leaves, tiny flower buds: the first glimpses of spring. Instant happiness! What this tells us, and why we’re telling you this, is that plants and nature have a tremendous emotional effect on us, even when we’re living the city life.



That’s why, this month, we sent you The Plant –  a beautifully-done magazine about living with nature, about our planet, about the earth and how we treat it. By focusing on personal experiences expressed through the medium of in-depth interviews (with the most interesting of plant-loving people), and striking visual essays, it’s able to paint a bigger picture.


This issue of The Plant delights us with the absurdity of cauliflower in vases and whole branches full of ripe brown dates stuffed into handbags. We are enchanted by the feature on Cassi Namoda’s paintings: dreamy pastel abstractions meet striking figure drawings, framing the human form in relation to a vast, sacred rurality.





Stories like that of Alice Waters, who all the way back in the 1970s opened a restaurant where she cooked only with local produce, show us that if you live what you believe in, eventually the whole world will listen. Even if it takes fifty years! And then there are little details, passing remarks made in an interview on a completely different subject, that put a smile on our faces: they say, for example, that you cannot catch fish the day after a full moon because they’re all asleep.


On top of all that, there are also plenty of gorgeous photographs of flowers: to tide us over until we get the real thing.


In case you missed out on our third round, you can find the latest issue of The Plant here or to be on the save side and never miss one of our handpicked surprise love letters from us to you – subscribe here!

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