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The Long 1980s

The Long 1980s

The Long 1980s

Constellations of Art, Politics and Identities

The 1980s, a decade of decadence, innovation and social movements, the repercussions of which are still felt today. In the UK and the USA, Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan respectively buckled down on redrafting neo-liberal economic policies, while the Soviet Union was brewing its own demise toward the fall of the Berlin wall. New prospects of political activism opened with the rise of feminism, environmentalism, queer and postcolonial politics. This book focuses on case studies portraying various stories, facsimiles, and images from various spheres of the 80s cultural mark. Some of the texts are translated to English for the first time. They talk about squatting, Black filmmaking, the rights movements, the radical democrats in Turkey, petitions, feminism in Spain, the birth of the gay scene in Slovenia, and, thoughts on how being called a lunatic should be seen as a compliment.


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