09 Okt Susan Sontag
Benjamin Moser
To offer you a small glimpse of all the beautiful titles which are dropping in our little store day after day makes up the most enjoyable part of our job. And honestly, the easiest – since they all are exceptional in one way or another. But sometimes – as in the case of Susan Sontag – there resonates an undeniable reverence, an uncertainty about where to start or where to end. How can one possibly find the right words to come anywhere close to one of the most sharp-witted, charismatic and controversial writers of the twentieth century? The sincere answer is: We’ll not even try. The only thing we can do is highly suggest you to see the world through the eyes of an intellectual, a critic, a lover, a mother, a homosexual, a loner, a stubborn and above all, through the eyes of someone who fully dedicated her whole life to the written word. While you get hooked in Benjamin Moser’s latest biography or in the numerous essays of Sontag herself, one thing is for sure, they are after all these years still a delighting, eye-opening read, so much we can promise.