22 Jan Press & Fold #1
Since quite a while the fashion industry is facing a groundbreaking paradigm change. If there is a good thing about late capitalism, environmental pollution, shortage of resources, exploitative labour it would be that we, ‘the happy consumer and devil producer’, are forced to change our mindset radically – and with it our notion of luxury. Luxury nowadays is about time, quality and care. Caring for our planet, the next generations and ourselves. What a new generation of fashion designers has to contribute to change the rules of the fashion industry can be seen in the latest issue of Press & Fold. A fashion magazine which is deeply concerned about alternative fashion forms and narratives. In this issue the author of Dissolving the Ego of Fashion Daniëlle Bruggeman explains why it is so necessarily important to leave the Fashion’s Ego behind, a self-maintaining desire machine producing nothing else than shallow promises, the JOIN Collective Clothes project gives a glimpse into their work to make and wear clothes together as well as you can find out how fashion and intellect goes together pretty well these days as magazines like 032c, Vestoj and Purple practicing this for years. Press & Fold is a carefully thought through paper delight, a fashionable beauty which hopefully will sustain for a long, long time.