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International Women Day 2019

International Women Day

International Women Day 2019

Well, well, well we've got some treasures for you...

…as we all know this year’s International Women Day is on its way. So we thought why not talk about sex, gender, and equality for a start. Luckily, the times feminism is associated with edgy, cold-blooded, joyless women who wear their hair on their teeth, as we say in German, are definitely over. On the contrary the F* word seems to be the hottest shit these days. Many are inspired and encouraged by brave folks who lead the way, telling how they experience equality (or not) at work, out on the streets, and at home. Coming along Joan Didion’s line “We tell our stories in order to life”, we take the American essayist by her word and give space to the manifold voices and their individual stories, compiling all our inspiring titles on feminism, gender, and equality.

As feminism is as diverse, complicated, beautiful as women and girls are, it would be wrong to not talk about masculinity, lgbtq and gender at the same time as this cultural paradigm shift happening right now affects us all. So we are delighted that founder and creative director of Anxy Magazine, Indhira Rojas, found some time to talk with us about Anxy’s latest issue Masculinity for our second Q&A coming this week!

For everybody who can’t decide what to do on this year’s International Women Day why not join Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon? Together with Swathi Sriram and Kirsten Palz you will create Wikipedia entries on cis and transgender woman, non-binary individuals, feminism, and arts. Since seats are limited don’t hesitate and save your place right now. And don’t forget your laptop and power cord and feel free to bring some snacks, cake or fruit for you and your fellow editors. Drinks will be served at the location.

And now you go and celebrate the beauty and diversity of (wo)mankind!
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