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I Know How Furiously Your Heart Is Beating

I Know How Furiously Your Heart is beating -  Alec Soth

I Know How Furiously Your Heart Is Beating

Alec Soth

Alec Soth is struggling these days to explain his work. As a photographer you are often required to have a strong narrative alongside your images. But Alec Soth did not want to portrait one social group or the people of one place. His approach is more poetical and less investigative. “Whether a picture is made in Odessa or Minneapolis, my goal was the same: to simply spend time in the presence of another beating heart.” he states. So the composition of the photographs might seem without connection at first, but that is only because their narrative is not so obvious and not driven by outside factors. The connection is fine and poetical. Alec Soth wanted to spend time with different people and for a moment feel their being and their lives. And through his photographs that appear to let you look deep into his subject’s soul, you can spend some time with them, too. His sensitive pictures in ‘I Know How Furiously Your Heart Is Beating’ let us feel what it means to be human.⁠ Probably it is that what makes him struggle to explain his work because it is not about what you see even though his medium is photography, but the inner dialogue you will have with his pictures.⁠


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