Documento #1
Comes as 3-Piece Booklet Limited Edition of 500 doc·u·mento (däk’yu-men-tö) noun. A document is a written, drawn, presented or recorded representation of thoughts. moreOriginating from the Latin Documentum meaning lesson – the verb doceõ means to teach, and is pronounced similarly, in the past it was usually used as a term for a written proof used as evidence. In the computer age, a document is usually used to describe a primarily textual file, along with its structure and design, such as fonts, colors and additional images. Documento works as a registry of the intimacy behind the intimacy. A vessel that brings us closer to the work we admire and the people behind it. This is the study of an artist’s life, his perspective and his oeuvre.hildren-count=”0″>
Origin: Mexico
Language: English
Pages: 60
Length × Width × Height: 25 × 18 × 1 cm
Article Number: 28464
ISBN: 44465240