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In the past 12 years we had the pleasure to get to know a lot of the amazing people behind the magazines and publications we try to gather in our store for you, we have seen countless covers on our shelves and browsed myriads of pages. In News & Novelties we want to share some of our latest finds and conversations. Find inspiration in our reviews, enjoy some interviews with amazing people and get to know about our latest activities in Berlin and around the globe.



Surprise Subscription #39
Among the legendary stories of art practiced as resistance, few ring as powerfully as that of Olivier Messiaen and his iconic Quartet for the End of Time. While held as a prisoner-of-war in WWII, the legendary French composer used the decrepit instruments at hand–namely a clarinet, violin, cello, and piano–to create what would ultimately become his most celebrated work. It was premiered in front of the prisoners and their (most likely stunned) guards, going down in history as a triumphant symbol of the resilience of the human spirit. More
Sound Space Sense - DNA 21 (EN)

Sound Space Sense – DNA 21

Surprise Subscription #38
We’re going to go out on a limb here: what if the best time of year is happening right now? Visualize the word “February” in your mind. Sure, it’s rainy, cold, dark, gray, and bleak; yes, you may curse the fact that you are not kicking it on a beach in Greece or Miami; but think of all the fabulous things you have been doing to get through this long short winter month. Dinners, galleries, museums, movies, lounging in bed…wonderful experiences all of them.   And let’s not forget music! Whether you prefer hanging at the Berlin Philharmonie or doing some big time clubbing at Berghain, winter is the true season of music for all sound lovers–and a perfect time for this month’s surprise subscription pick (especially if you missed our recent launch event). More
Dirty Furniture - Bed

Dirty Furniture – Bed

Surprise Subscription #37
So here we are in the year 2024! Well done, you made it out of bed!  We here at do you read me?! understand the challenges of leaving your bed during this dark and cold season. So when we saw that Dirty Furniture–an independent design magazine that uncovers the relationship between people and the things they live with–had set their sights on this holiest article of household furniture for their last issue, we simply could not resist making it this month’s Surprise Subscription pick.  More
What the Final Fuck!

What the Final Fuck!

Surprise Subscription #36
We’re once again staring down the close of another year, and while it’s fitting and even natural to spend this time thinking about endings/the end times, and so on and so forth, we also think it’s a good time to let loose and have, dare we say it, a bit of…fun? Enter ‘The Final Fuck.’ More
Famous For My Dinner Parties

Famous For My Dinner Parties

Surprise Subscription #35
Food is the ultimate subject of conversation. Whether when making dinner plans or debating the merits of a particular restaurant or complaining about the rising price of your favorite breakfast cereal, the subject is both ubiquitous and relevant. Think about it: is there anything stranger than someone who doesn’t have a ready answer to the simple question, “What’s your favourite food?” More


Surprise Subscription #34
“We tell ourselves stories in order to live”, Joan Didion once wrote. Awash in histories both political and personal, we navigate our way through the present by relying on our own narratives of the past. And unless Didion is wrong (which she rarely is), we might go on to say that we tell each other stories in order to live together–so that our communities become a mosaic of interwoven individual experiences, so that the personal can become collective. Nansen, this month’s Surprise Subscription pick, is a moving exercise in precisely this kind of nourishing communal storytelling. More
Safelight Paper – Sun

Safelight Paper – Sun

Surprise Subscription #33
It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. But as images become more and more abundant, and as they are increasingly used as a simple means of communication, a thousand might seem a bit too much. After all, how many words can you find in a thumbs-up emoji? Safelight Paper, this month’s Surprise Subscription pick, is an act of resistance against this cultural decline in photography’s evocative power. Where the emphasis in modern image usage is on speed and convenience, Safelight Paper’s is on slowness and the basic fact that good things always come with time. Operating out of the eponymous Berlin camera store and film laboratory whose slogan is “Shoot Film, Stay Broke”, the magazine actively strives to make pictures worth a thousand words again. More
Supplement to the Italian Dictionary – Bruno Munari

Supplement to the Italian Dictionary – Bruno Munari

Surprise Subscription #32
It’s the height of summer and therefore travel time. And where is the soul – at least, the German soul! – drawn to, if not to Bella Italia? A sun-kissed tapestry of rolling vineyards, ancient olive groves, and cobblestone streets winding like whispered secrets through charming villages… If that was already too many clichés in the first paragraph, just read on, because there’s a whole lot more to our little travel-on-the-mind August edition of our Surprise Subscription. More
Fukt #21 - Unknown

Fukt #21 – Unknown

Surprise Subscription #31
Illustration just can’t get respect. Seen as the stuff of children’s movies or as a vehicle for less serious artforms, it is often overlooked in the world of fine art and has little of the capitalist clout of graphic design. Well, we disagree! And in fact what we would like to do now is shine the spotlight on this discipline that’s sometimes left in the shadows. Let’s put illustration center stage, let’s look at FUKT – this month’s Surprise Subscription pick!   More
MacGuffin #12 - The Log

MacGuffin #12 – The Log

Surprise Subscription #30
For the 30th edition of our Surprise Subscription (that’s two and a half years’s worth of Surprises!) we’re throwing it back to the very first installment, with the help of one of our very favourite magazines: the mighty MacGuffin. Born out of boredom with the design world, MacGuffin doesn’t bother with hot trends, “iconic” designs, or an endless stream of new objects: instead, they focus on the wider story of what an object becomes when it enters our day-to-day life, and on what it reveals about us. MacGuffin’s newest issue, ‘The Log’, is both a fascinating counterpoint to and a natural evolution from its previous offerings, which have focused on the already-designed object – the Rug, the Trousers, the Desk, the Cabinet. By contrast, a log is not something one would necessarily consider a design object. At least on first glance. More
Flaneur #9 Boulevard Peripherique – Paris

Flaneur #9 Boulevard Peripherique – Paris

Surprise Subscription #29
After months and months of dark and cold and a general feeling of “meh”, we here at do you read me?! are happy to report that spring has arrived. Let’s celebrate, let’s hit the road, let’s go to Paris! After having focused on cities as far-ranging as Taipei and São Paulo, Flaneur–the legendary travel publication, and this month’s Surprise Subscription pick–is taking on the City of Lights, and the results are honestly exceptional.  More
Englisch in Berlin (Deutsche Version)

Englisch in Berlin (Deutsche Version)

Surprise Subscription #28
Im Jahr 2021 hielten Künstlerin, Forscherin und Kuratorin Moshtari Hilal und politische*r Geograf*in Sinthujan Varatharajah einen Vortrag auf Instagram Live, in dem sie über die Ausbreitung der englischen Sprache in Berlin diskutierten. Ob in Cafés oder Restaurants, Museen und Kunsträumen, auf der Straße oder im Bürgeramt, die englische Sprache ist überall präsent - auch in unseren eigenen Newslettern, Rezensionen und sozialen Medien! Es ist einfach eines dieser Dinge, die Berlin seinen kosmopolitischen Glanz verleihen.  Aber es gibt auch eine Kehrseite der Dinge, und die bringen Hilal und Varatharajah in ihrem Vortrag ans Licht, welcher von Wirklichkeit Books in diesem strahlend blauen Reader in eine physische Form gebracht wurde.  More
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