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In the past 12 years we had the pleasure to get to know a lot of the amazing people behind the magazines and publications we try to gather in our store for you, we have seen countless covers on our shelves and browsed myriads of pages. In News & Novelties we want to share some of our latest finds and conversations. Find inspiration in our reviews, enjoy some interviews with amazing people and get to know about our latest activities in Berlin and around the globe.

SICK Magazine #5

Sick #5

SICK is an independent and thoughtful magazine created by individuals living with chronic illnesses and disabilities. Its primary goal is to enhance representation while challenging the harmful stereotypes and misconceptions that often surround disability.⁠ ⁠ Furthermore, SICK aims to foster a work environment characterized by respect and support. Within this context, a unique approach is embraced – working at a pace that aligns with individual needs, allowing for pauses and moments of rest. The foundation of this workplace is rooted in belief, active listening, and support for one another. Productivity is rejected as a measure of value, and the focus is on celebrating the strength and resilience of sick and disabled bodies.⁠ ⁠ Sounds to us like an approach to work that would be healthy for everyone, really.⁠ Buy
Modern Instances - Stephen Shore (Expanded Ed.)

Modern Instances

Stephen Shore
Derived from the invaluable teachings of photographer Stephen Shore, this serves as an indispensable guide for those eager to refine their craft and understand the diverse elements that shape a unique creative voice. Modern Instances offers a fresh perspective on how we perceive the world around us, emphasizing that even the smallest moments hold immense potential for inspiration if we remain attentive.⁠ ⁠ ⁠Now available in an updated and expanded edition, this release features additional essays not found in the hardcover version, more than forty new images, and an extensive notes section. In these notes, Shore delves into various aspects of the original text and further explores themes such as inspiration, gifts, tragedy, and vernacular photography.⁠ Buy
Every day is a new day - Karel Martens 2024 Calendar

Every day is a new day

Karel Martens 2024 Calendar
Last years this calendar was ripped out of our hands faster than you can rip off one of its pages! So this year be quick to get your hands on this beautiful tear-off calendar for 2024 by Dutch graphic designer Karel Martens.⁠ ⁠ One page and one number for each day of the year - constructed with Martens signature method of printing letterpress monoprints from found metal forms. Every day is a new day!⁠ Buy


Moshtari Hilal
Vom Sehen und Gesehenwerden, von Selbstbildern und Selbstzweifeln – Moshtari Hilal schreibt über Hässlichkeit. Dichte Körperbehaarung, braune Zähne, große Nasen: Moshtari Hilal befragt Ideen von Hässlichkeit. In ihrem einzigartigen Buch schreibt sie von Beauty Salons in Kabul als Teil der US-Invasion, von Darwins Evolutionstheorie, von Kim Kardashian und von einem utopischen Ort im Schatten der Nase. Ihre Erkundungen, Analysen und Erinnerungen, ihre Bildzitate und eigenen Zeichnungen führen in jenen innersten Bereich, in dem jedes Selbstverständnis auf dem Prüfstand steht. Warum fürchten wir uns vor dem Hässlichen? Poetisch und berührend, intim und hochpolitisch erzählt Moshtari Hilal von uns allen, wenn sie von den Normen erzählt, mit denen wir uns traktieren. Buy
Initium Maris

Initium Maris

Nicolas Floc’h
We are obsessed with Nicholas Folc'h's underwater photography! ⁠ Dusty waters taint everything in a mystical light. Towering, tentacle-like plants stretch towards the rippling water's surface. You can see the light above, you know above there is the world we know so well - the one of us land mammals. And still it's hard to believe that these otherworldly images are taken from the surface of our planet Earth.⁠ ⁠ In dialogue with scientistsis, Floc’h is on a mission to represent the underwater landscapes at a time when climate change is causing major upheavals within ecosystems.⁠ Buy
Radical Intimacy

Radical Intimacy

Sophie K. Rosa
Western societies want us to believe that there is an optimal way to live. We must be productive and heterosexual, our emotional needs are to be fulfilled by a single romantic partner, we must have babies, build a classic family and buy a house. But the kicker is a lot of people cannot and do not want to achieve all, or any of these life goals. ⁠ ⁠ Radical Intimacy shows that it doesn’t need to be this way. A punchy and impassioned account of inspiring ideas about alternative ways to live, Sophie K Rosa demands we use our radical imagination to discover a new form of intimacy and to transform our personal lives and in turn society as a whole. ⁠ Buy
Let’s Become Fungal!

Let’s Become Fungal!

Mycelium Teachings and the Arts
There is a growing interest in fungi and mycelium, the intricate and ever-branching threads that weave through the fungal world. These entanglements and the functioning of the rhizomatic network are not merely fascinating but also hold a profound metaphorical significance for potential new systems, modes of thought, and behaviors - the teachings of fungi!⁠ ⁠ Let’s Become Fungal! takes its inspiration from the world of art and mycology and shares innovative practices from Latin America and the Caribbean that are rooted in multispecies collaboration, symbiosis, alliances, non-monetary resource exchange, decentralization, bottom-up methods and mutual dependency­—all in line with the behavior of the mycelium.⁠ Buy
Sensing Earth: Cultural Quests Across a Heated Globe

Sensing Earth: Cultural Quests Across a Heated Globe

Sensing Earth looks at how to act and work as an artist and cultural practitioner in a world in crisis. From global warming to social and mental health issues. The book contains essays, interviews, poems, manifestos, choreographic sketches, speculative fiction and case studies, all at the intersection of art and activism, culture and nature. All texts explore what sensory foundations are necessary to address systemic failures and what paths can be taken to keep us moving on this planet - physically, emotionally and intellectually.⁠ Buy
In Search of Mycotopia – Doug Bierend

In Search of Mycotopia – Doug Bierend

From ecology to fermentation, in pop culture and in medicine―mushrooms are everywhere. And that with good reason, because they are incredibly fascinating! The kind-of-until-now-overlooked kingdom of fungi captivates us through hidden network communication and holds incredible potential for the future, from decontaminating landscapes and waterways to achieving food security.⁠ ⁠ This mind-expanding book uncovers a vanguard of mycologists: growers, independent researchers, ecologists, entrepreneurs, and amateur enthusiasts exploring and advocating for fungi’s capacity to improve and heal.⁠ Buy
Cyberfeminism Index – Mindy Seu

Cyberfeminism Index – Mindy Seu

Cyberfeminism, in its broadest sense, refers to a collection of emancipatory theories and practices that promote an alliance between feminist practice and technology. The use of the term "cyberfeminism" can be traced back to 1991, the year some call the birth of the internet. ⁠ ⁠ With the Cyberfeminism Index, Mindy Seu has created a reference work that pays tribute to the diversity of practices that fall under this imperfect categorisation and makes visible the long-ignored origins of cyberfeminism and its far-reaching legacy. It includes more than 700 short entries of radical techno-critical activism. However, those who expect this book - it is titled index afterall - to provide analysis will wait in vain. Given the rhizomatic spirit of the project, it is left to the reader to piece together the shape of the discourse.⁠ Buy
Replace Me – Amber Husain

Replace Me – Amber Husain

Human inventions have always carried the desire for a machine to do the work for us. From the windmill that made millers dream of a nap in the sun while the latest technology did its work, to the washing machine that was seen as liberating women. We all know by now that these wishes have not really come true. It is true that some tasks, often hard work, are taken over by the latest technology, but this does not give us less work and more free time, rather we fill this free time with other work. Some call this efficiency, we call it stupid. ⁠ ⁠ But apart from that, there is another phenomenon to discover. Instead of dreaming about the liberation of work through technology, people have become increasingly afraid that this technology will replace them. Not so Amber Husain! In her intelligent and lively essay Replace Me, she explores how late capitalism is guided by fears and fantasies of replacement. 'Power and replaceability have long constructed each other,' she writes in an early passage.⁠ But she not only explores the construct of replaceability that is meant to keep us small and in fear, she also explains the futility of engaging - let alone competing - in a replacement economy. ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ This book was published in 2021, before the introduction of ChatGPT and the like, and yet it could not be more current.⁠ Buy
International Library of Fashion Research

International Library of Fashion Research

The International Library of Fashion Research is a most comprehensive archive of specialised fashion research and contemporary fashion publications. Founded in 2020, the library fills a gap in the preservation of and critical engagement with printed fashion culture. And because this is a project of Elise by Olsen, who at the age of just 13 became the youngest editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine and has since launched several print publications, there is also a series of thin pamphlets accompanying the International Library of Fashion Research. These explore the overarching, critical themes of the fashion world that run like a thread through the library's publications, such as the decentralisation of fashion, but also themes more directly related to print, such as the art of the press release or the translation of something as tactile and emotional as fashion into the two-dimensional world of print.⁠ ⁠ Buy