They say history is written by winners, dusty and dry, while saying little or nothing about the everyday lives and futures of those who were affected by the events. "Das Jahr 1990 freilegen" published by one of our most beloved publishers,
spector books, proves in grand manner how to do it differently. After the editor Jan Wenzel spent one year looking for any photo, video, interview, protocol, diary, letter, he could possibly find, dated back to 1990, he came to the conclusion: Why writing another book, when everything is already there? Given the size of the book: there is a lot to 'there'! This chronic is an enormous valuable testimony of a year which is characterised by disorientation, confusion and over-abundance by the wealth of 1989. While the latter is known pretty well when David Hasselhoff came to Berlin, smashed his hit "Looking for Freedom" and the impossible became possible – at least that's what The Hoff thinks...The rest is history as well as the iron wall between West and East Germany. And yet, the after effects are still, even after 30 years, blurry and not rarely mythologized, surrounded by (n)ostalgic fog while turning into an imaginary border, a symbol of social and economic injustice. By giving rise to the plurality of tongues spanning from students, politicians and workers from East and West Germany – sewed together with texts written by Alexander Kluge, this book digs deeper into events which mostly kept highly confidential. Even though we never actually know what the term coffee table book is supposed to mean - what we do know is that "Das Jahr 1990 freilegen“ belongs on every table – with or without coffee...