SICK is an independent and thoughtful magazine created by individuals living with chronic illnesses and disabilities. Its primary goal is to enhance representation while challenging the harmful stereotypes and misconceptions that often surround disability. Furthermore, SICK aims to foster a work environment characterized by respect and support. Within this context, a unique approach is embraced – working at a pace that aligns with individual needs, allowing for pauses and moments of rest. The foundation of this workplace is rooted in belief, active listening, and support for one another. Productivity is rejected as a measure of value, and the focus is on celebrating the strength and resilience of sick and disabled bodies. Sounds to us like an approach to work that would be healthy for everyone, really. Buy...
Derived from the invaluable teachings of photographer Stephen Shore, this serves as an indispensable guide for those eager to refine their craft and understand the diverse elements that shape a unique creative voice. Modern Instances offers a fresh perspective on how we perceive the world around us, emphasizing that even the smallest moments hold immense potential for inspiration if we remain attentive. Now available in an updated and expanded edition, this release features additional essays not found in the hardcover version, more than forty new images, and an extensive notes section. In these notes, Shore delves into various aspects of the original text and further explores themes such as inspiration, gifts, tragedy, and vernacular photography. Buy...
Last years this calendar was ripped out of our hands faster than you can rip off one of its pages! So this year be quick to get your hands on this beautiful tear-off calendar for 2024 by Dutch graphic designer Karel Martens. One page and one number for each day of the year - constructed with Martens signature method of printing letterpress monoprints from found metal forms. Every day is a new day! Buy...
Vom Sehen und Gesehenwerden, von Selbstbildern und Selbstzweifeln – Moshtari Hilal schreibt über Hässlichkeit. Dichte Körperbehaarung, braune Zähne, große Nasen: Moshtari Hilal befragt Ideen von Hässlichkeit. In ihrem einzigartigen Buch schreibt sie von Beauty Salons in Kabul als Teil der US-Invasion, von Darwins Evolutionstheorie, von Kim Kardashian und von einem utopischen Ort im Schatten der Nase. Ihre Erkundungen, Analysen und Erinnerungen, ihre Bildzitate und eigenen Zeichnungen führen in jenen innersten Bereich, in dem jedes Selbstverständnis auf dem Prüfstand steht. Warum fürchten wir uns vor dem Hässlichen? Poetisch und berührend, intim und hochpolitisch erzählt Moshtari Hilal von uns allen, wenn sie von den Normen erzählt, mit denen wir uns traktieren. Buy...